A year and normal, or so they say.

So it’s been a while.

A few things have happened here in the Tavormina household. Some personal crises have resolved well thank God; others have gone the other way. You know how it is. You’ve had your own life over the past year, with highs and lows and things you wish had never crossed your path.


That’s the way the cookie crumbles. That’s a coin with two sides. That’s looking at clouds from both sides now. Some up, some down, bottom line, life trumps the internet, and so blog posts, on occasion, especially here in the hidden backwaters where nothing but fireflies and banjo music fills the air, find themselves neglected.

This is not a blog post. This is a stake in the sand. This is me saying “I continue to survive.” Life goes on, and we weather it, and not a whole lot of souls know or care that we weather it, and we weather that knowledge too, and it’s fine. Life remains beautiful and savage.

The older we get, the easier it is to stand alone in the gale.

Hopefully the next post will be more uplifting.

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